How do I pass arguments to Bazel Java wrapper? A Step-by-Step Guide
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How do I pass arguments to Bazel Java wrapper? A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering how to pass arguments to Bazel Java wrapper? Well, you’re in luck! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process of passing arguments to Bazel Java wrapper, making your build process a whole lot smoother.

What is Bazel Java wrapper?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a quick peek at what Bazel Java wrapper is. Bazel is a build tool developed by Google that helps you build, test, and deploy software. It’s a powerful tool that allows you to manage complex builds and dependencies. The Java wrapper is a feature in Bazel that enables you to run Java programs using the `java` command. It provides a convenient way to execute Java programs without having to write custom build rules.

Why do I need to pass arguments to Bazel Java wrapper?

Passing arguments to Bazel Java wrapper is essential when you need to customize the behavior of your Java program. For instance, you might want to:

  • Specify the main class to run
  • Provide command-line arguments to your Java program
  • Configure the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) settings
  • Pass environment variables to your Java program

By passing arguments to Bazel Java wrapper, you can tailor your build process to meet your specific needs.

How to pass arguments to Bazel Java wrapper?

Now that we’ve covered the why, let’s get to the how! There are two ways to pass arguments to Bazel Java wrapper: using the `–jvm_flag` option and using the `–args` option.

Using the `–jvm_flag` option

The `–jvm_flag` option allows you to pass JVM flags to the Java wrapper. JVM flags are used to configure the JVM, such as setting the heap size or enabling garbage collection. Here’s an example:

$ bazel run //path/to:target --jvm_flag=-Xmx1024m

In this example, the `-Xmx1024m` flag sets the maximum heap size to 1024MB.

Using the `–args` option

The `–args` option allows you to pass arguments to your Java program. These arguments can be used to customize the behavior of your program. Here’s an example:

$ bazel run //path/to:target --args="arg1 arg2 arg3"

In this example, the `arg1`, `arg2`, and `arg3` arguments are passed to the Java program.

Passing multiple arguments

What if you need to pass multiple arguments to your Java program? No problem! You can use the `–args` option multiple times to pass multiple arguments. Here’s an example:

$ bazel run //path/to:target --args="arg1" --args="arg2" --args="arg3"
$ bazel run //path/to:target --args="arg1 arg2 arg3"

Passing environment variables

Environment variables are essential for configuring your Java program. You can pass environment variables to your Java program using the `–env` option. Here’s an example:

$ bazel run //path/to:target --env="_Variable1=value1" --env="Variable2=value2"

In this example, the `_Variable1` and `Variable2` environment variables are set to `value1` and `value2`, respectively.

Passing main class

In some cases, you might need to specify the main class to run. You can do this using the `–main_class` option. Here’s an example:

$ bazel run //path/to:target --main_class=com.example.MainClass

In this example, the `com.example.MainClass` is specified as the main class to run.

Putting it all together

Now that we’ve covered the different ways to pass arguments to Bazel Java wrapper, let’s put it all together in a single example:

$ bazel run //path/to:target \
  --jvm_flag=-Xmx1024m \
  --args="arg1 arg2 arg3" \
  --env="Variable1=value1" \
  --env="Variable2=value2" \

In this example, we’re passing JVM flags, arguments, environment variables, and the main class to the Java wrapper.

Troubleshooting common issues

As with any complex system, issues can arise when passing arguments to Bazel Java wrapper. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

Issue Solution
Arguments are not being passed to the Java program Check that you’re using the correct syntax for passing arguments. Make sure to use the `–args` option correctly.
JVM flags are not being applied Verify that you’re using the correct syntax for passing JVM flags. Make sure to use the `–jvm_flag` option correctly.
Environment variables are not being set Check that you’re using the correct syntax for passing environment variables. Make sure to use the `–env` option correctly.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to resolve common issues when passing arguments to Bazel Java wrapper.


In conclusion, passing arguments to Bazel Java wrapper is a breeze once you understand the different options available. By using the `–jvm_flag`, `–args`, `–env`, and `–main_class` options, you can customize the behavior of your Java program to meet your specific needs. Remember to follow the correct syntax and troubleshoot common issues to ensure a smooth build process.

With this comprehensive guide, you’re now equipped to pass arguments to Bazel Java wrapper like a pro! Happy building!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unleash the power of Bazel java wrapper by learning how to pass arguments like a pro!

How do I pass arguments to Bazel java wrapper?

You can pass arguments to Bazel java wrapper by using the `–jvm.Flag` option followed by the argument you want to pass. For example, if you want to pass the argument `-Dproperty=value`, you would use `–jvm.Flag=-Dproperty=value`. Make sure to replace `property` and `value` with the actual property and value you want to pass!

Can I pass multiple arguments to Bazel java wrapper?

Absolutely! You can pass multiple arguments to Bazel java wrapper by separating them with commas. For example, if you want to pass the arguments `-Dproperty1=value1` and `-Dproperty2=value2`, you would use `–jvm.Flag=-Dproperty1=value1,-Dproperty2=value2`. Just remember to separate each argument with a comma, and you’re good to go!

How do I pass a system property to Bazel java wrapper?

To pass a system property to Bazel java wrapper, you can use the `-D` option followed by the property and its value. For example, if you want to pass the system property `java.awt.headless=true`, you would use `–jvm.Flag=-Djava.awt.headless=true`. This will set the `java.awt.headless` property to `true` for your Java application.

Can I pass arguments to Bazel java wrapper using a configuration file?

Yes, you can! Bazel java wrapper allows you to pass arguments using a configuration file. You can create a file called `jvm_flags` in your workspace root, and add your arguments to it, one per line. For example, you can add the line `-Dproperty=value` to pass the argument `-Dproperty=value`. Then, when you run Bazel, it will automatically pick up the arguments from the configuration file.

How do I debug my Bazel java wrapper configuration?

If you’re having trouble with your Bazel java wrapper configuration, you can use the `–jvm.Debug` flag to enable debug logging. This will print out the JVM arguments and system properties being used, which can help you identify any issues. Additionally, you can use the `–verbose` flag to increase the verbosity of Bazel’s output, which can also help with debugging.

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