Bind CSS with Knockout Secure Bindings: A Comprehensive Guide
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Bind CSS with Knockout Secure Bindings: A Comprehensive Guide

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When working with Knockout.js, one of the most common use cases is binding CSS classes to your view models. However, did you know that you can take it a step further by using Knockout’s secure bindings to ensure that your CSS bindings are not only efficient but also secure? In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of Knockout secure bindings and explore how to bind CSS with Knockout secure bindings.

What are Knockout Secure Bindings?

Knockout secure bindings are a way to bind your view models to your views while ensuring that the bound values are properly encoded and sanitized. This is particularly important when working with user-input data, as it helps prevent common web vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

By default, Knockout uses a set of predefined bindings, such as the text, html, and attr bindings. However, these bindings can be vulnerable to XSS attacks if not used properly. That’s where Knockout secure bindings come in.

How to Enable Knockout Secure Bindings

To enable Knockout secure bindings, you’ll need to set the koBindingsProvider.instance.allowBindings property to false. This will force Knockout to use its secure bindings instead of the default ones.

koBindingsProvider.instance.allowBindings = false;

Once you’ve enabled secure bindings, you can start binding your view models to your views using the new secure bindings.

Binding CSS with Knockout Secure Bindings

Now that we have secure bindings enabled, let’s dive into how to bind CSS classes to our view models using Knockout secure bindings.

One of the most common ways to bind CSS classes is using the css binding. This binding takes a JavaScript object as its argument, where the keys are the CSS class names and the values are the conditions that determine whether the class should be applied.

<div data-bind="css: { active: isSelected }"></div>

In this example, the css binding is used to apply the active CSS class to the <div> element if the isSelected view model property is true.

Using the css Binding with Secure Bindings

When using the css binding with secure bindings, you’ll need to wrap the binding value in a call to the ko.toJS function. This ensures that the bound value is properly encoded and sanitized.

<div data-bind="css: { active: ko.toJS(isSelected) }"></div>

By wrapping the isSelected property in the ko.toJS function, we ensure that the bound value is properly encoded and sanitized, making our CSS binding secure.

Binding Multiple CSS Classes

Sometimes, you may need to bind multiple CSS classes to a single element. In this case, you can pass an array of objects to the css binding.

<div data-bind="css: [{ active: ko.toJS(isSelected) }, { hidden: ko.toJS(isCollapsed) }]"></div>

In this example, the css binding is used to apply the active CSS class if the isSelected property is true, and the hidden CSS class if the isCollapsed property is true.

Using the style Binding

Another way to bind CSS styles to your view models is using the style binding. This binding takes a JavaScript object as its argument, where the keys are the CSS style names and the values are the bound values.

<div data-bind="style: { backgroundColor: ko.toJS(selectedColor) }"></div>

In this example, the style binding is used to set the background-color CSS style of the <div> element to the value of the selectedColor view model property.

Best Practices for Binding CSS with Knockout Secure Bindings

When binding CSS with Knockout secure bindings, there are a few best practices to keep in mind:

  • Always use the ko.toJS function to encode and sanitize your bound values. This ensures that your bound values are properly encoded and sanitized, making your CSS bindings secure.
  • Use the css binding instead of the attr binding. The css binding is specifically designed for binding CSS classes and styles, and provides better performance and security than the attr binding.
  • Keep your CSS bindings simple and concise. Avoid using complex logic or calculations in your CSS bindings, as this can make them harder to maintain and debug.
  • Test your CSS bindings thoroughly. Make sure to test your CSS bindings with different input values and scenarios to ensure that they’re working as expected.


In this article, we’ve explored how to bind CSS with Knockout secure bindings. By using the css and style bindings with the ko.toJS function, we can ensure that our CSS bindings are not only efficient but also secure.

Remember to always follow best practices when binding CSS with Knockout secure bindings, and test your bindings thoroughly to ensure that they’re working as expected.

Binding Description
css Binds one or more CSS classes to an element.
style Binds one or more CSS styles to an element.

Additional Resources

If you’re new to Knockout.js, here are some additional resources to help you get started:

  1. Knockout.js Documentation
  2. Knockout.js CSS Binding Documentation
  3. Knockout.js Style Binding Documentation

We hope this article has been helpful in showing you how to bind CSS with Knockout secure bindings. Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Bind CSS with Knockout Secure Bindings” in HTML format with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the lowdown on binding CSS with Knockout Secure Bindings – your ultimate guide to securing your web app’s styles!

What is Knockout Secure Bindings and how does it relate to CSS?

Knockout Secure Bindings is a security-focused extension for Knockout.js that helps protect your web app from malicious user input. When it comes to CSS, Secure Bindings ensures that your styles are safely bound to your Knockout observables, preventing hackers from injecting malicious styles into your app.

How do I bind a CSS class to a Knockout observable using Secure Bindings?

Easy peasy! Simply use the `css` binding in your Knockout view, like this: `data-bind=”css: { ‘class-name’: myObservable }”`. Replace `class-name` with the CSS class you want to bind, and `myObservable` with the Knockout observable you want to bind it to.

Can I use Secure Bindings to bind CSS styles to multiple observables?

Absolutely! Secure Bindings allows you to bind CSS styles to multiple observables using the `css` binding. Just separate each observable with a comma, like this: `data-bind=”css: { ‘class-name’: myObservable1, ‘another-class’: myObservable2 }”`.

Do I need to use Secure Bindings for every CSS binding in my Knockout app?

Not necessarily! Secure Bindings is only required when you’re binding CSS styles to user-input data. If you’re binding to trusted data, you can use the regular Knockout `css` binding. However, to be on the safe side, it’s recommended to use Secure Bindings for all CSS bindings to ensure maximum security.

Are there any performance implications when using Secure Bindings for CSS bindings?

While Secure Bindings does introduce some overhead, the impact on performance is minimal. In most cases, the benefits of enhanced security far outweigh the slight performance cost. Plus, Knockout’s optimized binding mechanism helps minimize the impact on your app’s performance.